Amelia Rada Psychotherapy



Services & Pricing

Seeking therapy is a brave and important step towards reclaiming your mental health and overall well-being.

My experience is in working with individuals, families, young adults, and adolescents. My areas of expertise include…

  • Life transitions

  • Relationship challenges

  • Self-esteem

  • Adolescents and parenting

  • Identity

  • Career hurdles

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Panic Disorders

  • Early childhood trauma

My rates start at $225 per 50 minute session.

My Approach


I work with individuals around issues of anxiety, depression, panic disorders, relationships, life transitions, identity, career hurdles, and early childhood trauma.

I believe in creating a safe space to share openly, to explore your personal history, and to work on collaborative problem solving and skill building. My approach relies on a warm and trusting relationship between the client and the therapist to engage in long term healing work, and I will employ CBT tools where appropriate for immediate symptom relief.


Teens face a variety of challenges as they move through this uniquely vulnerable and delicate stage of life. I work with teens by meeting them where they are and listening to their story in their own words. We work together to process and develop skills for managing difficult symptoms, academic pressure, relationships, early childhood experiences, and family dynamics.

When working with an adolescent, I am in regular communication and collaboration with their parents to ensure that the work we are doing in my office extends into the home.

Couples and Families

I work with couples and families on issues of communication, parenting, transitions within the relationship(s), conflict resolution, betrayal, trust, and long term problem solving.

In my office, we will work on creating an environment where all family members feel understood and respected. Once we have established a safe space to communicate, we can skill build for long term and lasting healing.

Parenting Consultation

Sometimes an individual or a couple is facing an uncharted issue with their child and need help over a brief period rather than long term therapy. I have worked with many parents to help them generate parenting plans and solutions.

In these situations I educate the parent(s) about their child’s challenging behaviors. Once we are all on the same page, we can work on how to support the child, find specialized providers where appropriate, and increase partnership and communication between the parents. This can be one long session, or a few sessions to support the parent(s) as they implement a care plan.
